Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to write a job search newsletter

How to write a job search newsletter Today on the user webinar (which I do weekly sign up here) I mentioned a job search newsletter. Ive written about this before: How to write a job search newsletter (1 of 2) How to write a job search newsletter (2 of 2) It might feel presumptuous to send out newsletters this way but you have to risk.  You have to help people know how they can help you. How to write a job search newsletter Today on the user webinar (which I do weekly sign up here) I mentioned a job search newsletter. Ive written about this before: How to write a job search newsletter (1 of 2) How to write a job search newsletter (2 of 2) It might feel presumptuous to send out newsletters this way but you have to risk.  You have to help people know how they can help you. How to write a job search newsletter Today on the user webinar (which I do weekly sign up here) I mentioned a job search newsletter. Ive written about this before: How to write a job search newsletter (1 of 2) How to write a job search newsletter (2 of 2) It might feel presumptuous to send out newsletters this way but you have to risk.  You have to help people know how they can help you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How To Write An Effective Email Writing Skill Resume

How To Write An Effective Email Writing Skill ResumeDo you want to have an opportunity of starting your own small business in the near future? If so, you need to be able to write well on the internet. It is not that hard and is the most inexpensive way to get an edge over the competition. Email writing skill resume may not look as good as an academic or writing resume but is actually quite easy to complete and one can even start their own if they like writing.The success of your email writing skill resume depends on how efficiently you can use the internet. If you can not effectively put together a sound email, you will never be able to have a productive career on the internet.The simple fact is that it is not that difficult to become an effective writer and that you can master this easy task in just a few months. Of course it would take a while before you become good at this and you do not have to be afraid of giving up if you cannot gain success with this one.Before you start your email writing skill resume, first of all, you need to have a basic knowledge of search engine optimization and website design and how it is used in the search engines. You will learn a lot of useful tips about these two subjects, once you have gained a basic knowledge of them.You should be able to create a landing page and getting to know about proper language and making the right steps before sending your message will help you on your way. Your email writing skill resume should have a header that conveys a strong message. Once you get it right, you will have to put together your body text in an attractive way that will make people read it and therefore, go for it and buy your product or service.After you have designed your email writing skill resume, you can proceed to making it search engine optimized. This may involve taking sometime, but the results will definitely pay off. Your website visitors will get more information on your product or service and will thus, make the purchas e.If you have really done your homework and have been able to get all the required expertise and tools to create a professional looking email writing skill resume, you can be sure that you will receive responses on your email. The best thing is that your emails will not be marked as spam as it is considered to be an additional benefit.Having an email writing skill resume that will appeal to everyone will help you stand out and attract more customers to your website. That is the surest way to see your business grow.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese Analysis Honesty Can Backfire in a Performance Review

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese Analysis Honesty Can Backfire in a Performance Review When can telling the truth be counter-productive? During a performance evaluation. In a recent analysisby Ivan Marinovic of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, it was found that honest appraisals actually boost costs and cut profits because they increase the chances of erratic efforts that people put into their jobs. Marinovic came to this conclusion after building a model that treats a job as a sort of game tournament, using employee competitiveness to drive results. For example, if a manager was less than honest about how well an employee performs, then he can put the pressure on that person to work harder to beat colleagues. Such fudging of the facts can even spur slackers into putting more effort into their work because they worry they're going to get fired. However, managers have to be careful with this strategy. If employees think the manager is not being honest about their performance, they brush it off and their performance changes very little. It's only when employees buy into what the manager is telling them during performance reviews that they work harder and try to improve because they're more worried about losing out on raises or promotions. It's important to note that Marinovic is skeptical about the value of performance reviews, just like others on this blog who have expressed frustration with this pervasive practice. But if managers are going to continue to use them, he thought it was important to look at how they impact the bottom line. His analysis reveals that the ups and downs of employee performance related to performance evaluations can cost companies more because workers simply don't like volatile workloads and will automatically want more money to make up for it. While employees may not be aware of it, they will eventually link what they see as truthful performance reviews with unpredictable schedules that may include after-hours work. We show that the value of a firm decreases when the perceived truthfulness of the feedback is higher, Marinovic says. The value of the firm is highest when that communication is perceived as worthless. Photo:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How to be confident with your body language at interview (Or at least fake it)

How to be confident with your body language at interview (Or at least fake it) How to be confident with your body language at interview (Or at least fake it) As soon as you set foot into the interview room people will be making judgements about you. Scary thought, yes?In the five seconds it takes you to move from the door to the interview chair the recruitment officer will have taken note of your initial body language and posture. Even if you feel nervous as hell on entering the room, have a big smile ready to hit them with! It is true that you are being judged even before you get the chance to open your mouth. The interviewer will be picking up subtle little hints about you to form an overall picture of you in their head. Remember that things like a bright smile, your head held high, a firm handshake and good eye contact from your very first greeting will give a positive impression of you even before the questions start.Practice perfect postureBefore the day of your interview arrives, try to practice good posture techniques at home and around your workplace so you can get used to it. When you are sitting in your interview it can be qu ite fatiguing to remember to sit up straight while you are trying to concentrate on answering the interview questions.Also remember to lean forward while talking with people rather than sitting back. This shows you are attentive and are taking in what they are saying. Practice this one a lot before your interview. Flopping back in your chair during your interview may give off the impression that you are not paying attention and dont have a very good attention span.There are some very sound dos and do nots to follow during your interview with regard to your body language. Lets take a look at some of the key points to remember:Do make good eye contactThe best way to show your interviewer that you are paying attention to their questions is to maintain good eye contact while they are talking. However, try not to take it to the extreme where you are blankly staring them out â€" this can be both unsettling and uncomfortable for the interviewer.It is sometimes easier when there is more tha n one person on the interview panel. You will naturally be able to switch your gaze between each of them as they address you and ask you questions. But when you are in a one-to-one interview, try to hold eye contact while the interviewer is talking before breaking your gaze to compose your answer. When you are being interviewed in front of a panel, be sure to make eye contact with all of them â€" even if some of those present dont actually ask you any questions. It is good to acknowledge their presence, and you never know â€" it may even be the quiet ones who are making the final decision about hiring you!Do not slouchSometimes we dont realise how much we actually slouch. Whether it is at work or at home, lounging around with our arms and legs flung out all over the place can make you look far too relaxed. Sitting casually may be very comfortable and it may help you feel more relaxed during the interview, but it definitely gives off the impression that you may not really be all t hat bothered about this job opportunity.On the other hand, you dont want to be perched anxiously on the edge of your seat with your fists clenched tightly together either. It is all about finding that happy medium. Just remember to sit up straight and lean forward just a little towards your interviewer when you are asked a question. This posture shows you are engaged and open to their questions.Do smileTry to hold a relaxed smile and give a small nod of acknowledgement to questions when appropriate. You definitely dont want to come across as some sort of drone or robot, so if your interviewer tries to break the ice with a funny story or joke, laugh with them. You want to show that you do have a personality behind all your skills and qualifications. Employers tend to hire people that have a good mix of both skills and personality, so make sure you keep smiling.Do not fidgetFidgeting uncomfortably in your chair can show that you are bored or that you have lost interest in what is goin g on. Fidgeting can include things like, playing with your hair, biting your nails, tapping your fingers on the arms of the chair, scratching your head or touching your face. These things can be distracting for the interviewer and can often give off a feeling of lack of focus, mistrust or even dishonesty â€" things that can lose you the chance of that job. Your posture is more important than you think for your job interview. Your main aim is always to keep focussed on the interview questions and to keep your posture attentive and your facial expressions interested.Once you are a safe distance away from the building following your interview you can let yourself go! Have a mad run through the park, treat yourself to an ice-cream, grab a large coffee with your friends â€" give yourself some sort of treat or reward, you have definitely earned it! previous article Subtle Yellow â€" The Trendy Resume Template Giveaway next article Free Creative Resume Design Smart and Profession al you might also likeWhy Do You Want to Work Here? Best Answers to This Interview Question

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How To Choose A Good Resume Writing Service

How To Choose A Good Resume Writing ServiceResume writing services are really necessary if you want to get a good job in New York. However, if you are a first time candidate, you may not know where to look for the best resume writing services. This article will help you with that. This article will discuss some of the places you can look for good resume writing services and some of the things you should consider when choosing one of these services.First of all, let's talk about what services you should look for when choosing resume writing services. It is not good enough to hire a service that promises to write a resume for you that will automatically get you hired. The services that you use should be able to answer your questions, set up a date, and make sure it gets done on time.There are a lot of resumes that service providers offer so it is not a big deal to choose one and you should choose the resume services that are good at what they do. If you want to avoid wasting time then hire a service that will help you create your resume and send it out for review. The service should also help you create a cover letter as well as a cover letter sample. This is very important because you want your cover letter to be appealing to the hiring manager.Before you hire a service, you should ask for samples of other clients work. This will give you an idea how professional the service is. You will also want to make sure that they have the ability to produce the type of resume you need because you need it to be one that is able to stand out from the others in the pile.In addition to hiring the service, you should choose one that is affordable. This is important because you don't want to pay too much money to a service that you have already hired for other work. The best thing you can do is to start out small with a low-end service and then move up to a more expensive service. This way you will have experience working with the service and you will be able to tell by reviewi ng their work.Another important thing to consider is what your goals are. If you only need a resume and there is no way you can write one, then you should choose one that helps you make one. Instead of having to do the work yourself, hire someone else to do it.Finally, you need to decide if you need a full service or a part-time service. Some people may need both services, so you may have to compare them. In any case, you should be looking for a service that has an excellent reputation and has been in business for a while.Resume writing services are very important in getting a job in New York PA. All of the things we have discussed here are things that you should consider when choosing a service.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How business training schemes can help in future jobs - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

How business training schemes can help in future jobs It is a well-worn cliche that an organisation’s most valuable asset is its employees. It is easy to make the conclusion that this means employee retention is the be all and end all, and businesses need to do everything they can to prevent employees from wanting to leave, but this misses the point. A degree of churn is both inevitable and desirable. Some move on, others retire, and some are simply not a great fit. The trick is to identify those individuals who can make a real difference to the organisation and to whom the organisation can make a real difference, and have the right internal practices in place to retain and develop them. These two words are used advisedly, and they can have an almost symbiotic relationship. The theory is that if businesses develop staff, they will remain, and if they remain, they will develop. Effective training processes play an integral role in making this work. Develop and motivate staff Having the right training processes in place fulfils two purposes. On the one hand, it gives employees the knowledge and skills to carry out their roles more effectively. On the other, it sends out a sign that the employer has belief in the employee and is prepared to invest in developing him or her. That is a strong motivating factor â€" when we get down to the nuts and bolts of it, every one of us like to be appreciated, and it will lead to a more engaged and loyal workforce. When an employee feels that his professional growth and development is linked with that of the employing organisation, it is a powerful and positive thing. Good for employers and employees Training personnel is not all about “leveraging resources,” however. We all know that even if you work for the best employer in the world, the odds are against you staying there until retirement. The average UK worker changes jobs every three years and has seven career changes. Sometimes this is through choice and sometimes necessity, but the point is, the phrase “lifer” is applied more often to the prison system than it is to the world of work in the 21st century. Training and development is core to keeping momentum and staying relevant in these changing circumstances, and in the face of fast-moving technological evolution. Internal and external training The most effective employee development programmes offer a blend of internal and external training, and both have their benefits. Some see external training as a “cookie cutter” approach, but the point is that given the circumstances we described above, it might be counter-productive to be too bespoke. The transferrable skills offered by The Knowledge Academy can put employees in a prime position, while at the same time adding value for employers. Internal training gives the opportunity for employees to acquire more specialised and tailored knowledge that they can apply directly to their day-to-day work. Gaining this kind of expertise is invaluable for taking that next step up the career ladder and being promoted within the organisation. Learning every day Ideally, the best employees will be constantly learning more about their role and how it fits into the bigger picture of how the organisation meets its strategic goals, while they are going about their daily work. However, we all know it is easy to get bogged down in the minutiae. There are simple ways to ensure employees develop in even the most hectic work environment, such as by asking them to participate in more senior strategic management meetings, inviting their opinions and contributions on strategic planning, and increasing their management or supervisory responsibilities. Mentoring and training the trainer This final point brings us to the topic of mentoring. Internal training does not just benefit the recipient. A critical aspect of growing, both as an individual and as a valuable company resource, is by developing the ability to transfer knowledge and skill within the organisation. In other words, the act of delivering internal training can be as important a part of career development as the act of receiving it. Teaching best practice to others is also a fantastic way to reinforce those practices within the actions and habits of the trainer, but the benefits do not stop there. Internal mentoring builds relationships and strengthens the team dynamics within the organisation. Invest in training to reap the rewards A coherent training and development strategy helps a company to get the most from its best people, reduces staff turnover and motivates the workforce, leading to a better working environment for all. It also provides individuals with the skillsets to develop their careers, whether it is within the organisation or elsewhere. It really is a win/win for all concerned.